Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cheat for Q*bert on Sony Ericsson T630

Q*bert is an addicting Java games, although this is actually just an old game 80s game. One annoying thing abount qbert on SE is that you can't save a game to be resumed when you are dead (you can save a game to be continued later, but if you die, you must start from the beginning).

Here is a little tips (or cheat) to make you able to save your game, and continue from that point if you die (i.e. you lost all of your lifes):

1. Press pause at any point you want to save the game
2. Select save and quit
3. Resume playing game until you die (or if you have progressed enough, you can do step 1 and 2 again).
4. If you have lost all you life, don't press anything and you will be brought to the highscore screen (you may enter your name and press done if you got into the highscore)
5. When the highscore screen shows up, press and hold (don't just press it, press and hold) the back arrow button on your keypad. Answer yes to confirm that you wanted to exit
6. Open Qbert again, and select 'resume' and you will be back to the last time you saved your game

I already finised all level from 1-1 to 9-4 and after 9-4 it goes back to 9-1.


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